Aapchigwa nishiiwag niigaanzijig

Aapchigwa nishiiwag niigaanzijig... The Leaders and the Best

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fall Feast 2011

It's that time of year again...
Smoked Lake Michigan Fish
Harvested by Skip & Bill Derusha, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians

Wild Rice (Manoomin)
Harvested by Emmanuel "Doc" Poler, Sokaogon Chippewa Community

Traditional Hominy Corn Soup
Beef & Pork Roasts
Join us for our annual Fall Feast and a Traditional Cooking Workshop with our very own Howard Kimewon. Howard is orginally from the Wikwemikong Unceded Reserve on Manitoulin Island, Ontario and has been teaching Ojibwe at the University of Michigan since 2007.
The cooking workshop will be held on Sunday, November 13th at Trotter Multicultural Center at 1443 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 on U-M's campus beginning at 12 PM. Free parking is available in the lot on the S. University side of the building.
Howard will be teaching students & community members how to prepare Traditional Hominy Corn Soup, Wild Rice, Beef & Pork Roasts, and Fish.
The workshop will continue until the Fall Feast begins that evening at 5 PM. We will be eating around 6 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend the workshop and the feast; come and stay for a couple of hours or the entire day.
These are both free community events, but we ask that you bring a side dish or dessert to pass if you are able to as the Fall Feast is traditionally a potluck. (Not required to attend.) The main dishes mentioned above will be provided.
**Vegetarian options will be available.**

While the food cooks, we will be doing some simple beadwork. Learn the basics of Native beading and enjoy fellowship & conversation!
Join us for these and our other Native American Heritage Month Events listed on the poster above. For a larger, online version of the poster, click here: http://imgur.com/E0xmx

If you have questions please contact Jaimee Marsh at jaimeem@umich.edu or 734.763.9044.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reminder: NASA/Powwow Meeting TONIGHT

Just a reminder: we are having a powwow meeting tonight, Thursday November 4 at 6:30 PM in 3512 Haven Hall. We will start the meeting by doing a little flyering around campus to publicize Native Heritage Month and then we'll have some snacks while we discuss powwow.

Hope to see you there!
